Gallup Pipeline and Compliance Services LLC.,
GPCS is locally owned by Roger and Rae Marie Montano, and located in Gallup, New Mexico. We are an energy specialty service oriented company specializing in providing Cathodic Protection Services, pre-excavation and exposure of various utility assets for the purpose of evaluations, upgrades, repairs, installations and remediation of existing and new energy infrastructure. All of our activities are performed by or under the direct supervision of NACE International Corrosion/Cathodic Protection Specialists, Gold Shovel Certified, and OQ Certified personnel.

GPCS – Services

- Pipeline Rectifier Installations and Repairs
- Sand Blast and Recoat Projects
- ROW Maintenance and Erosion Repair
- Test Point and Negative Cable Repairs and Installs
- Anomalies Exposed, Excavated, Evaluated and Remediation
- Annual Cathodic Protection Survey and Data Collections
- Turn Key CP Systems along with A/C Installations
- Deep Bed and Conventional Ground Bed Installations
- Audit Support, documentation, review and consulting
- Air VAC Truck with Hydro Vac capabilities “Soft” Utility Exposure Excavations
- Grout and Coke Breeze pumping to 1000’ capabilities